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Lessar Air Conditioner LS LU 16, 32 Operator Manual
Lessar Air Conditioner LS LU 16, 32 Operator Manual
Lessar Air Conditioner LS LU 16, 32 Oper
Adobe Acrobat Document 2.2 MB
Lessar Air Conditioner LS LU-HxxKLA2A A5 Operator Manual
Lessar Air Conditioner LS LU-HxxKLA2A A5 Operator Manual
essar Air Conditioner LS LU-HxxKLA2A A5
Adobe Acrobat Document 5.7 MB

Lessar Brand History

If a new trademark appears on the market, which deals with the sale of climate equipment, it is always of interest. And at the same time - some doubt, how the consumer is ever in doubt about everything new.


That's why many people, by habit, buy, say, air conditioners from well-known manufacturers, proven by time. However, the Lessar brand was able to do it.


In 2003, when the Czech Republic was about to join the EU and when new opportunities and prospects for trade and production development were to open up before it, the government of the country approved the state program. It was called the "Concept of Export Policy".


This program was so good that it opened great prospects. After all, most of the national producers thus received a boost to development. And significant! A push that allows reaching the level of international companies. And as a result, in 2003, the brand Lessar appeared.


Before the manufacturing company, the main goal was to produce and sell climatic equipment of all levels, that is, both domestic and industrial.

Climatic equipment Lessar is produced not only in Russia, but also in enterprises in China, Italy, Germany, Sweden, South Korea. There is also a factory in Lithuania. Ventilation plants are produced here. Therefore, it should not be surprising that the lion's share of produced air conditioners under the trademark Lessar is the OEM products of Midea Holding and MDV.


Products under the brand Lessar are always of high quality.


For example, we can say that Lessar has such a line of air conditioners that function when the outside temperature is -43 degrees. Such conditioners are designed to serve special rooms. This is a room in which it must be both cool and dry.